COYOTE LCC (Low Count Closure) Coupler Installation at GUS

COYOTE LCC (Low Count Closure) Coupler Installation at GUS

Posted by - Gussie on 3rd Apr 2020

The COYOTE LCC (Low Count Closure) Coupler is primarily designed for the repair of damaged aerial fiber-optic cables, especially where taut (no slack) applications occur. The COYOTE LCC Coupler can also be utilized to cover and protect damaged aerial fiber-optic cable sheaths, where the fibers have not been damaged, but are exposed to environmental conditions. It's lightweight and low-profile design make it ideal for either aerial application, lashed messenger or ADSS systems. More than one COYOTE LCC Coupler assembly can be ganged together to accommodate longer areas of damaged aerial fiber-optic cables.

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