Product Description
Jameson Cable & Pipe Precision Locating Receiver (J-17-300R)
The Jameson cable and pipe locator system is designed for flexibility and precision, allowing users to customize settings for their specific needs. With multiple active frequencies, it ensures accurate locating with minimal interference, enabling users to continue locating past faults and around bends in conduit. The receiver allows for control of the transmitter’s output power and frequency, eliminating the need for back-and-forth walking between devices. It locates energized conductive paths such as iron, steel, copper water lines, gas lines, tracer wire on plastic pipes, telephone/TV cables, copper and aluminum wires, conduit, power lines, and Duct Hunter Traceable Rodders.
Key Features:
- Easy-to-use intuitive keypad
- Multi-channel processor for simultaneous field detection and enhanced accuracy
- Customizable frequencies and operational modes
- Four active frequencies: 512 Hz, 8 kHz, 33 kHz, 82 kHz
- Two passive frequencies: 60 Hz power and RF
- Three operating modes: peak, null, and sonde
- Automatic Impedance Matching Technology to maximize range and minimize power use
- Remote transmitter control up to 400 yards
- Real-time depth and signal condition measurement
- Includes: Rechargeable battery, conductive clips, manual, and padded carrying case for protection